8 Types of Demons

Saksham Jain
6 min readFeb 16, 2022
  1. Ghouls

According to Middle Eastern mythology, ghouls also known as gholes, goules, ghilan, Ghuls, Namnams, and Namanim are evil spirits of the desert. They are able to assume the shape of an animal, ghouls are grave robbers living off the flesh of the dead. They are mostly found near graveyards and feed on flesh of the person who is dead. Travelers planning to cross any of the vast deserts or savannas of North Africa, the Middle East, or Central Asia should be aware that ghouls often entice men off the road and confuse them. Once the men are disoriented, the ghouls proceed to feast on their flesh. These Ghouls are mostly in groups. They have insane appetite and can eat A LOT of food at once. Ghouls specifically target humans who are weak and cannot defend themselves. These group of Ghouls travel a lot and whenever they travel they carry diseases with them.


Djinn popularly know as genie from movie Alladin is one of the most scariest demons. Just like Ghouls Djinn can also change their shapes to objects, animals, humans etc. Djinn is one of the most powerful beings in this world, you cannot imagine how much power they have. We humans cannot see Djinn’s they are invisible to us. They were a big part of the islamic culture and were the most powerful beings on this planet because of this they became arrogant which marked the downfall of Djinns. There are two types of Djinns Ifrit and Marid. Ifrit is Djinn of fire and Marid had immense power, the Djinn that grants wish is Marid. There is also a Djinn called Karen which is attached to every human its said that every human has a Djinn attached to him called Karen and he is the reason for all our negative thoughts. Djinns are a big reason for sleep paralysis.


These are the most basic and weak kind of demons. These demons are weak but they are present everywhere! It is possible that there is a demon right next to you. These demons have very less power so they help witches and wizards in there rituals and spells. Same like the other two demons these demons can also change their shape to anything. Their only work is to help wizards and witches, otherwise these demons are totally harmless to humans because we humans are more stronger than these demons.


Abyzou is a female demon. Mostly these kind of demons are responsible for Miscarriage’s and infertility in woman’s. Abyzou is a demon who survives on NV and is jealous of pregnant woman’s because she herself is infertile which means that she cannot have kids. This demon is mostly found near kids and pregnant woman’s. Whenever a pregnant lady is possessed it is said that Abyzou has possessed her. These kinds of demons are one of the most disturbing and dangerous and pregnant ladies are very easy targets for demons as they are weak.


Barbatose, which means a bearded man. This demon is normally in human form. This demon has a big beard and by seeing him you will think that he is a traveler or a very wise man with wisdom. These kinds of demons have the ability to talk to animals, if you have a pet it’s very possible that your pet has talked to one of these kinds of demons. It is also said that these demons can tell us about our future so if a human is able to interact to him properly then he can get to know about his future. Many people also say that if a human properly interacts with barbatose then he can tell you the path to treasures! All the demons we have discussed till now are a little scary and dangerous but barbatose is the only human that is not harmful to anyone and helps humans.


Surgot is a demon that can unlock any lock, he has the key to every single lock in this world. This demon was summoned by a human so that he could gain his knowledge so that he could help the human kind develop. And by using Surgot’s knowledge the human who summoned him invented locks that are still used. Before summoning this demon there was nothing called locks. But this knowledge came at a very big cost, Surgot will haunt every single lock! Every place where there is locks and darkness, Surgot will haunt it. If your house has some locks then it is very possible that Surgot demons are around them. The place where there is locks and darkness is the favourite place of these demons because they feel homely here, they think that they belong there. It is also said that if these demons possess you then it will NEVER EVER leave you alone no matter what you do they will never leave you until you die!


Jikininki are human eating demons! These demons are basically the spirits of greedy and selfish people. When extremely greedy or selfish people die their soul convert into this demon, these souls have a curse on them and their only work is to eat the corpse’s of human. These demons also stay in groups and are mostly found around graveyards. There is also a fact about these demons that they get attached to humans and wait until they die so that they can feed on their dead body! Imagine someone being with you for your entire life just so that they can eat you after you die. It is even possible that a demon like this is already attached to you and you don’t know.


These demons are the most disturbance causing demons. You might have watched in many horror movie that someone gets possessed by a demon most of the time it is Poltergeist. These demons are the cause of every single possessions. These demons have power to move objects they can throw objects at you to harm you (as seen in many horror movies). The most disturbing thing about these demons is that these demons can touch you they can scratch you or even kill you. Have you ever felt that someone touched you but you are sitting alone it is possible that this demon has touched you. If this demon possess someone then wherever the person goes there will be chaos there.

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Saksham Jain

Indian | Student | History is a vast early warning system.