My experience with Ouija Board

Saksham Jain
3 min readFeb 15, 2022

It was the summer of 2021 the summer holidays were about get over and me and one of my friends wanted to something exciting, I had recently watched the movie Ouija which was based on Ouija board and demonic possession I searched about it online and figured out to use it.

Later that day I called my friend to play Ouija board with me and he had no idea what this was, I explained everything to him and he was pretty excited to play this game with me. We made a plan that he would come to my house at 7pm and we would play the game. We both thought that this game was fake so we just wanted to see if it actually worked or it’s just a folk tale. I bought the cheapest board from amazon that was possible and was ready to play.

We started the game by saying “As friends we have gathered hearts are true spirits near us we call to you” as I had heard this line in the movie Ouija. We waited for a while but nothing happened, we repeated the sentence again and again but nothing happened later on we decided to check on how to start the game and found that we actually had to say “is there any entity inside this room?” after this we started to say the sentence and nothing happened again we thought this was all fake and just a story but we decided to try it out one last time and this time the planchette moved to yes, I thought it was my friend who was moving that thing as there was not expression of fear on his face maybe he thought that I was moving it. So to find it out I asked a question whose answer was not known by anyone except for me. The answer was correct but I still had some doubt so I asked a question and told my friend to take off his hand from planchette when I ask him. After I asked to question the planchette slowly started to moving towards NO which was the answer to that question, I immediately asked my friend to take off his hand and I was shocked what I saw next the planchette was moving by itself because I knew that I wasn’t the one moving it.

I fricked out and asked a question “would you harm us” and the planchette moved to YES! Me and my friend were shocked and thought that we should stop the game we said goodbye, we were still very afraid so I decided to burn the board as I had seen the same in the movie. It was late at night around 10pm so couldn’t go outside to burn something and burning it inside the house was very dangerous, so we decided to burn it on the roof but it was very windy night and there was a big scary tree which covered the whole roof.

We gathered all our courage grabbed some matchsticks and took some old newspaper to burn with the board, it was very difficult to light the papers as wind blew the fire again and again. After 5–10 tries the fire light and we burned the board. It was one of the most horrific experiences of my life. Even after so many months I still dream about it at night.

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Saksham Jain

Indian | Student | History is a vast early warning system.